
  1. 2021年6月英语四级真题原文及答案?
  2. 20216月英语四级真题和答案?
  3. 2021年四级12月真题及答案?
  4. 2021四级英语真题?
  5. 2021年四级6月份真题及答案?


1.One straightforward reason close losers might outperform narrow winners is that the two groups h***e comparable ability.

2.One way social scientists h***e probed the effects of career setbacks is to look at scientists of very similiar qualifactions.


1.In the new global economy,students who fall to finish the ninth grade with passing grades in college preparatory coursework are very unlikely to graduate on time and go on to get jobs.

2.It is reported that depression results in enormous losses worldwide.


1.To enable tourists to visit Goat Island.

2.Millions of coins on the bottom.

3.It shut down two border crossings with Libya.

4.Devise a monitoring system on the Tunisian

border with Libya.

5.A plant-powered mobile phone charger.

6.While sitting in the courtyard.




1.Making quantitative distinctions is not an inborn skill.

2.It is possible for burglars to make jamming attacks with the necessary equipment and skill.

3.Interfering with a wireless security system is similar to interfering with a conversation.
